San Gabriel Nursery Plants
Disclaimer: The plants listed here are representative of the plants that we carry during the year when they are in season and are subject to availability. Please call us to check to see if the plant is currently in stock.
San Gabriel Nursery Plant Introductions
Aglaia Odorata - Chinese Rice Flower
Aromatic shrub with delightful fragrant yellow blooms.
Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi - Ashitaba
Japanese herb popular for its antioxidant properties.
Azalea’Mission Bells’ ™
SGN Plant Patent #2872
The Mission Bell azalea was hybridized by R. Yoshimura in the 1970’s and named after its characteristic bell-shaped flower and its origin in San Gabriel, “The City with a Mission”
Begonia ‘Cherry Blossom’
Imported from Japan, the Cherry Blossom begonia has a delicate, fluffy white-flower rimmed with shades of pink-red and named by S. Ishihara.
Gardenia ‘White Gem’
Imported from Japan, gardenia White Gem is a compact shrub with small, fragrant white flowers and shiny green leaves that was named by S. Ishihara.
Michelia champaca ‘Alba’
An outstanding evergreen tree that is highly regarded for its white blossoms and delicate fragrance and is an essence in many perfumes. The San Gabriel Nursery is one of the few nurseries in the United States to successfully propagate and sell this particular variety of champaca
Nandina Domestica ‘Ogino’
Compact shrub that was named by S. Ishihara after a former San Gabriel Nursery employee, Mrs. Ogino.
Nandina domestica ‘Filamentosa’ (San Gabriel)
This compact shrub was imported from Japan and has a unique mounding habit with lacy, threadlike leaves that turn to a vibrant reddish orange in the fall and was named by R. Yoshimura.
Nierembergia caerulea ‘Jessie’
A popular SGN&F plant that is regarded for its pale blue flowers was named after Jessie who was part of our retail nursery staff in the 1980’s.
Pachira aquatica - Guiana Chestnut “Good Luck Money Tree”
The San Gabriel Nursery first started commercially selling this plant in the 1980’s after learning about its popularity in Taiwan and Asia. It is an excellent indoor plant that requires minimal care and is sold in varying sizes from bonsai to larger specimens and is now a familiar household plant.
Plants We Carry
Abutilon 'Tiger Eye'
Acer Palmatum
African Violet
Allamanda Cathartica
Alsophila Australis
Alyogyne Huegelii - Blue Hibiscus
Artemisioides - Feathery Cassia
Aspidistra Elatior
Azalea - California Peach
Azalea - Alaska
Azalea - Duc de Rohan
Azalea - George Tabor
Azalea - Happy Days
Azalea - Inga
Azalea - Mission Bells™
Azalea - Pink Bubbles
Azalea - Pride of Dorking
Azalea - Southern Charm
Azalea - Star Light
Begonia ‘Cherry Blossom’
Begonia Maculata 'Wightii'
Calathea 'Medallion'
Callicarpa ‘Beauty Berry’
Camellia Japonica
Camellia Sasanqua
Chamelaucium Ciliatum ' Scaddan'
Cupressus Sempervirens
Daphne Odora ‘Marginata’
Duranta Repens
Ervatamia Coronaria
Eugenia Compacta
Euphorbia Hybrid
Felicia Amelloides 'San Gabriel'
Ficus Elastica 'Ruby'
Ficus Lyrata
Filamentosa (San Gabriel)
Gardenia Jasminoides - Mystery
Gardenia Jasminoides - Veitchii
Gardenia Jasminoides - White Gem
Ginkgo Biloba (Grafted)
Grevillea Moonlight
Ixora Coccinea
Jacobinia Carnea
Jasminum Polyanthum
Jasminum Sambac
Jasminum Sambac Double
Jasminum Sambac Grand Duke of Tuscany
Jatropha Integerrima 'Compacta'
Leptospermum Scoparium
Magnolia ‘Alexandrina’
Michelia Champaca ‘Alba’
Michelia Champaca 'Alba'
Monstera Deliciosa
Nandina Domestica - Gulf Stream
Nandina Domestica 'Obsession'
Ophiopogon Planiscapus
Ornamental Cabbage
Ornamental Kale
Osmathus Fragrans
Osteospermum - Blue Eyed Beauty
Osteospermum - Dark Purple
Osteospermum - Rose Magic
Osteospermum - Zion Red
Osteospermum - Zion Copper Amethyst
Pachira Aquatica Guiana Chestnut ‘Good Luck Money Tree’
Petrea Volubilis
Pittosporum Tobira 'Crème de Mint'
Pittosporum Tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon'
Pittosporum Tenuifolium 'Silver Sheen'
Plectranthus Coleoides
Polygala Petite Butterflies
Rhynchospermum Jasminoides (Star Jasmine)
Ruellia Macrantha
Solanum Jasminoides
Syringa Lavender Lilac
Tabernaemontana Divaricata 'Flore Pleno'
Tibouchina Urvilleana
Viburnum Opulus
Water Lilies